Comprehensive Outcomes-based Assessment
Build rubrics in a few minutes with over half a million samples, grade with just a few clicks, let iRubric do the complex calculations, and share rubrics with others in your institutional gallery.
An outcomes repository at your disposal to manage accreditation, institutional, program and course level outcomes.
Quickly review performance at course, program, and institutional levels. Align rubrics with learning outcomes and pull reports by outcome.
Clarity in Grades
Clear directions and expectations
Higher student satisfaction
Less student grade challenges
Less work on faculty, less explanation, less justification
Analyze performance at course, program and institutional levels

Why iRubric?
- Build simple to advanced rubrics
- Largest gallery in the world
- Built-in outcomes and curriculum mappings
- Data analysis and aggregation
- Course, program and institutional reports
- No LTI – Native integration
- No patches. Easy installation
- And it’s award-winning
Elevate your Students' Learning
Communicate Expectations
Communicate Strengths & Weaknesses
Build their Skills
Turn Sakai into a CBE
With our new Student Competency Dashboard, your students can monitor their outcomes-based progress for each program, learn where their skillsets are, and where their gaps in skillsets are.
Monitor Competencies
Take the right courses
Manage your Degree

Better than LTI
While iRubric supports LTI, our native integration with Sakai makes it even more seamless as both instructors and students get ready access to rubrics for grading, viewing grades, reports and more.