
The Most Comprehensive Rubric Assessment System.

With the largest gallery of rubrics in the world and the most intuitive environment, iRubric® can help your organization develop a culture of outcomes-based assessments and manage data for years to come.

iRubric Editions:

Enterprise Edition

Enterprise licenses come with a full, isolated instance of RCampus for your institution, fully managed and available 24/7.

iRubric seamlessly integrates with all modern Learning Management Systems (LMS) including Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, D2L/Brightspace, and more.  Student grades are automatically sent back to your LMS grade center.

Engage in multi-rater, juried assessments with others in your institution or external users.  Track raters individually, track assessment progress, and generate detailed and summary analytics.

Comprehensive reporting system and analytics, now with AI-based analytics at your fingertips.  Generate aggregated and disaggregated institutional and program level outcomes-based reports with ease.

Easily align your rubrics with standards and outcomes for enhanced outcomes-based reporting and monitoring of your program and institutional effectiveness.

There is much more to describe and show.  Contact us for more information or to schedule a demo.

Personal Edition

Sign up to build rubrics, share with others and browse the most extensive gallery of rubrics in the world.

Upgrade your account to grade your students using iRubric.  All grades all saved in your RCampus classroom gradebook.

Generate basic reports for your assignments to keep track of students strengths and weaknesses.

About iRubric®

What is iRubric?

iRubric is an intuitive assessment system for developing rubrics, sharing, assessing and analyzing results.  iRubric includes the largest gallery of rubrics and invented Click2Grade for rapid scoring.

Why iRubric

iRubric can be used in a variety of applications.  Depending on your needs, iRubric can be integrated into your LMS or used as a part of RCampus LMS, ePortfolio, Competency, and Outcomes systems.

Quality Data

Track competencies in real-time and get meaningful results.

Industry leader

Used by millions of users to develop, assess, and analyze rubrics.


Ready-to-use rubrics, canned reports, enterprise deployment in 3-5 days.

Results from our program assessments indicated a need to provide detailed feedback to students using rubrics and in-depth reporting of key measures for analysis of overall teacher education programs effectiveness. iRubric proved to be an excellent solution for meeting these needs.
Larry Riss, CIO, School of Education, Indiana University

iRubric Applications & Benefits

Assignments & Gradebook

The most comprehensive, easy-to-use and shareable rubrics.

Muli-rater & Juried

True multi-rater assessment and juried/panel evaluations with consensus tools.

Pop Up Evaluations

Evaluate anything on-demand and share results instantly.

Outcomes & Competencies

Easily align with learning outcomes & competencies, at any time, even post assessment.

Academic Freedom

Studies show iRubric features are perfectly designed to promote and support academic freedom.


Easy to generate, real-time reports and analytics at course, program and institution levels.

Largest Gallery

iRubric proudly boats the largest gallery of rubrics in the world with over 800,000 rubrics.


Designed for Institutional Effectiveness and Institutional Research in mind.

AI & More

Loads of features and benefits including AI, reliability analysis, and much more.


  iRubric for LMS: Quickly Score Students

Our award-winning iRubric System, with Click-to-Grade technology, helps educators assess in-class student work with a few simple clicks of the mouse. By quickly creating rubrics as well as easily sharing, tracking and reporting student performance, educators can spend less time grading and more time teaching. With iRubric for LMS, students also know the performance expectations and have the ability to understand their grades in a meaningful wayiRubric is also IMS Global (1EdTech) Certified so it integrates with any LTI-enabled platform.

Request a Demo    Learn more


 iRubric Rapid: Evaluate Large Sets of Documents Efficiently

iRubric Rapid is the next generation assessment tool allowing independent secondary evaluation of student work by a panel of internal and external reviewers. These unbiased evaluations are necessary during the accreditation process to demonstrate true student learning outcomes in addition to faculty assessments.

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  RCampus iRubric Matrix: Track Competencies at Any Level

RCampus iRubric Matrices enable educators and administrators to build dynamic structures for collecting and reviewing artifacts, visually monitoring progress, and conducting outcomes-based assessments within a single platform. Evidences and assessment data are automatically available in real time, providing efficient access to summary and detailed outcomes data over a variety of criteria including courses, departments and programs. RCampus Matrix is also ideal for managing Competency Based Education (CBE).

Request a Demo  Learn more


  iRubric Collab: Multiple Raters Evaluate Anything

iRubric Collaborative Assessments allows you to efficiently create single-object assessments with multiple evaluators and instantly collect results. Simply attach a rubric to a document, website, or any other object and invite raters to complete the rubric assessment. The scores are calculated in real time and detailed data reports are immediately available. iRubric Collab is a perfect choice for proposal evaluations, surveys, contest judging, etc.

Request a Demo  Learn more

Meaningful Data
Reports and visualizations with “meaningfulness” in mind.

1-Click Reports

Generate reports easily and without a multi-step complicated process.

Export Data

All report data are easy to export in multiple formats and download to use in other systems.

Data Longevity

Data never expires, giving you access to historical records at any time.

Awesome Support

Our support has been constantly commended for its fast response time, best response quality, and highest level of satisfaction.

In addition, we provide Success Packages where we do the work for you, a high-productivity service especially if you need additional man-power that does it faster, better, and error-free.

Get RCampus Today

Flexible Licensing

RCampus offers multiple options including SaaS/Cloud, on-premise, and fully-managed and hosted virtual dedicated instances.

Custom Solutions

We work very closely with you for the best solution, services and pricing.  Ask us about our popular Success Packages.

Contact us

Feel free to contact us to schedule a demo or to learn more about our products and services.