This article explains the need for iRubric Rapid for multi-rater assessment of a large number of artifacts. iRubric Rapid is ideal for juried and collaborative assessments, secondary and independent assessments of course submissions, and a number of accreditation-relate assessments such as QEP.
Many in the institutional assessment area try to utilize their existing LMS to address all of their assessment needs. In some cases, the results of course-level assessments and their aggregations suffice the needs and in those cases, the LMS is a good choice. However, if your LMS cannot handle detailed and structured assessments with rubrics, and aggregations over courses and programs, iRubric Gradebook has been there to help.
In recent years, secondary and course-independent assessments have been needed to (1) remove instructor bias and (2) assess student work in the context of institutional and program standards. These assessments are generally performed by multiple assessors that may or may not include the original course instructor, using rubrics constructed by the institution or programs, and are blind assessments. The results of these evaluations are kept separately from course assessments and won’t affect student grades.
An LMS would not be the best choice for these types of assessments for several reasons:
- Privacy: There are two issues at stake:
- To evaluate students by other assessors in an LMS, assessors will need access to the course. Many faculty raise issues with that.
- Student privacy may be potentially violated if others without consent have access to their FERPA protected information and grades.
- To remove bias, most institutional assessments are done in an anonymous, blind settings that are not available in LMS.
- LMS don’t allow multiple rubrics for a single assignment
- LMS do not track multiple assessments on the same body of work separately
- LMS may purge data after a period of time and upon switching to other LMS
iRubric Rapid advantages:
- Extremely easy-to-use and train
- Protects students’ vital data
- Won’t require access to course by external assessors
- Works with multiple LMS, hence, you can switch without losing data
- Keeps data for a long period, a must for accreditation
- Allows multiple assessors to assess in parallel and keeps track of their assessments in real time
- Allows blind and double blind assessments
- Aggregates across the board, over multiple courses and programs
- Aggregates multiple rubrics with different structures into a single outcomes report