Creating effective rubrics is essential for ensuring fair, transparent, and comprehensive assessment of student performance. Rubrics serve as valuable tools for both instructors and students, providing clear expectations and a structured framework for evaluating assignments and activities. Here are the top 10 rubric-building practices to enhance the quality and effectiveness […]
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Following is a list of main enhancements in iRubric Rapid and iRubric LMS integration and related reports and analytics. iRubric Rapid Enhancements: Consensus & Moderated Assessments Assessments can now be moderated by one or more raters that indicate a final decision. Linking Items to Students Assessment items can be manually […]
There are different types of ePortfolios, some for showcasing, some for tracking student accomplishments, some for assessments, some designed by students and some structured by programs. RCampus focuses on tracking and monitoring student work in an organized and structured manner, and with assessments in mind. It will also allow students […]